Do you need a REAL ID?

Do you need a REAL ID? Maybe…

Beginning May 7, the federal government will require everyone 18 years and older to present a REAL ID – or another acceptable form of identification – to board a commercial flight or enter a secure federal facility, such as a courthouse or military base.

If you hold a valid U.S. passport, you can use that instead of a REAL ID. (For a full list of acceptable IDs, you can click here.)

Keep in mind that you can still get a REAL ID after the May 7 deadline. That’s just the day the new rule goes into effect. Please note that a Real ID is NOT required to drive, vote or prove citizenship. You also do NOT need a REAL ID to receive state or federal services

If you’d like to get your Real ID soon, you can click here to view the Secretary of State’s interactive checklist of the documents you’ll need and to make your appointment.

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