Mar 21st

Mar 21st

COVER STORY Honoring Helen Plum As we continue our celebration of Women’s History Month, I would like to tell you a little bit about Helen Plum, the public-spirited woman who brought the first lilacs to Lombard. Helen Plum and her husband, William, moved to...
Mar 14th

Mar 14th

COVER STORY Honoring Ellen Martin I can’t let Women’s History Month go by without taking a moment to honor Ellen Martin. Every year, I am newly inspired by the brave woman lawyer who led a group of women to vote in Lombard in 1891 – nearly three decades...
Mar 7th

Mar 7th

COVER STORY Honoring Wheaton’s Marget Hamilton As we celebrate Women’s History Month, I want to share the life stories of some amazing DuPage County women, beginning with Marget Hamilton, Wheaton’s first female Councilwoman and Mayor. Hamilton first...
Feb 29th

Feb 29th

COVER STORY Breaking the Stigma around Dementia For many of us, the possibility of facing dementia as we age is terrifying. When we see friends and family members dealing with Alzheimer’s or other forms of dementia, our fears can lead us to look away, pull back,...
Feb 22nd

Feb 22nd

COVER STORY Governor’s Budget Address As I listened to the Governor’s budget address, I felt proud of the great progress that we have made together in putting our state on a solid fiscal foundation, as proven by our nine credit upgrades over the past five years....
Feb 15th

Feb 15th

COVER STORY Hurrah for girls flag football! Last weekend, we heard a lot about the (alleged) conflict between girls who love Taylor Swift and the guys who play football. In Illinois at least, there’s now a third group – girls who play football! On Wednesday, the...