Making summer count

Once again, I’m looking at the calendar and realizing that summer is almost half over. On this incredibly lovely June day, I’m drawn once again to that unforgettable line from Mary Oliver’s amazing poem, The Summer Day: “Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”

I thought about that poem last weekend, as people across our state gathered to take part in Unplug Illinois Day. The Unplug Illinois campaign was created by the Illinois Park and Recreation Association to encourage people to “unplug” from their electronic devices and recharge their minds and spirits by spending time in our state’s beautiful parks and recreation areas.

As we move into late summer, I encourage you to keep on finding ways to unplug, turn off your screens, get outside, and have fun! If you want to explore some unfamiliar parks in our communities, you can download my Summer Parks Passport and discover some new favorites for picnics, hikes, or simply sitting on a bench enjoying a quiet summer afternoon.

And if you need a little nudge to take time to enjoy summer, here’s a classic summertime column by one of my favorite writers, Mary Schmich.

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