News & Events

There’s always something interesting and exciting going on in the 42nd District. We’re making news, planning events, and meeting with our constituents. Be sure to sign up for our newsletter, so you don’t miss anything!


Recent Articles


September 2024
October 2024
Oct 19 2024

Flu Shot Clinic

Lombard Village Ackerman Sports and Fitness Center in Glen Ellyn
November 2024
January 2025
Jan 14 2025

Mobile DMV

Glen Ellyn Public Library
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July 25th

July 25th

I am constantly amazed by the evolution of our public libraries. Today, our libraries serve as true centers for our communities, providing services and programs that we could not have imagined when we were children getting our very first library cards.

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July 18th

July 18th

Once again, I’m looking at the calendar and realizing that summer is almost half over. On this incredibly lovely June day, I’m drawn once again to that unforgettable line from Mary Oliver’s amazing poem, The Summer Day: “Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”

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July 11th

July 11th

Now that the new fiscal year has begun, I wanted to take a couple minutes and explain my votes on the state budget bills.  As you may already know, I voted against the revenue bill and in favor of the other bills in the package ­– the $53 billion budget itself and the budget implementation bill (“BIMP”), which gives the State the power to actually spend the money in the budget.

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Gun Violence Prevention Day
Land Acknowledgement Ceremony